Dinner for a Year Image
Enjoy dinner all year from some of WNY's must-go to restaurants!

$100 - Olivers
$100 - JT's Restaurant
$100 - Dina's Restaurant
$250 - Mulberry's
$100 - Ciao Cocktail Lounge
$100 - Remington Tavern
$100 - 800 Maple
$100 - Jazzboline
$200 - LeftBank
$100 - Angeline
$100 - Mangia
$100 - Frankie Primo's

Dinner for a Year

Item #2

$600 - 1 bid

Part of live auction



Donated By:

Oliver's Restaurant, JT's Restaurant, Remington Tavern & Seafood Exchange, Gabrielle Scott, Michael & Noelle Colpoys and Friends of RMHC of WNY